收获日2 白金攻略 奖杯获得条件指南

编辑:jackey 2020-05-26



Coming in Hot

On day 1 of the Watchdogs job, don't let the cops shoot and destroy the escape vehicle.


开始任务之前可以购买Armored Escape,注意任务中一旦将4包毒品扔进卡车后,马上就会触发escape,建议此时不要逗留,必要时多余的包也不用管,赶紧杀到街上,等车子过来就能直接撤了。

Fish A.I.

On day 2 of the Watchdogs job, throw a loot bag into the sea, hoping fish move away as it gets near.



F in Chemistry

On day 1 of the Rat job, blow up the lab.



Caribbean Pirate

On day 2 of the Rat job, bring additional meth bags to the trade, but steal your payment instead.



Short Fuse

On day 3 of the Rat job, get away with 7 bags without defusing any bombs.


建议至少3人的情况下完成,最好都有ACED之后的GHOST的FAST HANDS技能。


Painting Yourself Into a Corner

On day 1 of the Framing Frame job, steal all sold paintings without being seen.

在Framing Frame第1天, 不被发现并偷走所有的画。

要求全程潜入或者多人合作组队ECM rush。

Big Deal

On day 2 of the Framing Frame job, trade 9 paintings.

在Framing Frame第2天,用9幅画交易。


I Wasn't Even There!

On day 3 of the Framing Frame job, send the gold by zip-line without ever tripping the alarm.

在Framing Frame第3天, 不触发警报用滑索运走金库里的黄金。

要求plan A全程潜入,plan B是无法打开金库大门的。

I Knew What I Did Was Wrong

On day 1 of the Big Oil job, enter the basement, open the ATM machines and take the loot.

在Big Oil第1天,进入地下室并拿走ATM机里的钱。


Doctor Fantastic

On day 2 of the Big Oil job, complete the heist with the first engine being correct.

在Big Oil第2天,一次性选对引擎。

如果你还不知道如何选择正确的引擎,请至Steam阅读指南:Which Engine? - Big Oil Day 2 guide

Diamonds Are Forever

In the Jewelry store job, steal and secure 4 bags without the escape car leaving the first time.

在Jewelry store任务中,在逃走的车子不离开的情况下抢走4包。

潜入或者ECM rush很容易得到的成就。

Let's Do Th...

In the Ukrainian job, complete the heist within 35 seconds.



Yeah He's a Gold Digger

In the Four Stores job, find a gold bar in a safe.

在Four Stores任务中,从保险柜里找到金砖。

Cappuccino to Go, Please

In the Cafe escape, secure all loot and escape within 30 seconds of the escape van arriving.

在Cafe escape中,在逃跑汽车赶到后30秒之内带上所有包离开。

Bullet Dodger

In the Street escape, complete the escape without killing any enemy snipers.

在Street escape中,不杀死任何狙击手完成任务。

They See Me Baggin', They Hatin'

On the Garage escape, get away with 8 bags.

在Garage escape中,带着8包逃跑。

推荐多人合作OK难度Transport: Harbor的任务,有极高的几率能拿到8包(建议带上电锯),并有不小的几率出现Garage escape图。



